Articles – Hearing Loss by Monique Hammond


Making the Most of DIY Hearing Care

March 2, 2022

Over-simplifying hearing loss?  The son who had accompanied his mother to a hearing loss meeting shared confidentially that he liked his music loud and that he did not worry about hearing damage. He felt that he heard enough and that…

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Coronavirus and tele health

Coronavirus and Tele-health

March 2, 2022

Most people prefer hands-on health care by seeking medical opinions from “live” professionals– at the doctor’s office, the Urgent Care Clinic, the Emergency Room or wherever medical help is offered. Then times change courtesy of an encapsulated smidgen of RNA…

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Nano Technology for Drug Delivery to the Ears

January 13, 2022

Research into tiny particles with big potential Nano research works with extremely teensy and invisible particles whose diameters are measured in nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. For comparison, a half-inch (1.27centimeters) is roughly one hundredth of a meter Because of…

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Improved communication year round

Improved Communication Year-round

December 8, 2021

Be included, not excluded! There is no time like the Holidays to remind those with hearing loss of the dreaded oncoming communication crunch. The struggle to understand speech in noisy groups and places makes it hard to participate in conversations and…

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OTC Hearing Aid

OTC Hearing Aids Public Comment Period

November 9, 2021

OTC hearing aids will be “self-fitting,” non-prescription devices. They will be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but people can buy them Over-the-Counter without a prescription or the input of any professional help. Would-be users will be on their…

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Subjective Tinnitus

The Phantom Sounds of Subjective Tinnitus

October 19, 2021

Subjective Tinnitus, the infamous “ringing in the ears” derives its name from the Latin verb tinnire, which means “to ring.” It is said to be a symptom of an underlying process rather than a condition in itself. Usually simply referred to…

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hearing loop

Hearing Loops & Telecoils Ease Travel

October 6, 2021

Hearing loops & telecoils create assistive listening systems Travel happens mostly in sound environments that generate serious communication challenges for those with hearing loss. Yet, understanding speech in the least amount of background noise is a major issue for those…

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Wavy Pattren

Might that Persistent Dizziness be PPPD?

September 16, 2021

Dizzy and unsteady? Check it out! Dizziness is a symptom with numerous and diverse causes. It is not normal and must be checked out, the sooner the better. Untangling the complexities of “dizziness” is a serious diagnostic challenge for doctors. …

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Lazy Ear in children

Lazy Ear in Children

August 28, 2021

A sound processing disorder The technical term for “Lazy Ear” is ambly-audia, which means dulled or blunted hearing. Although the condition can be genetic, it is often acquired during the phases of hearing development and maturation in infancy and throughout the childhood…

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Cytomegalovirus and newborn deafness

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Newborn Deafness and Hearing Loss

July 19, 2021

The dangers of congenital CMV during pregnancy Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common, non-genetic cause for hearing loss or deafness in newborn babies. If the virus that infects the mother during pregnancy is passed on to the child, he/she will be…

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