hearing protection

Can Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Cause Hearing Loss?

By Monique Hammond / July 20, 2024 /

There are different types of dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of them. And so, not all dementia or cognitive decline is Alzheimer’s. However, Alzheimer’s Disease is said to be the most common cause of dementia in older adults. Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that develops slowly over time. As it progresses, widespread toxic changes attack…

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Five Strategies to Protect and Preserve Hearing

By Monique Hammond / January 22, 2024 / Comments Off on Five Strategies to Protect and Preserve Hearing

Hearing connects us to our social and professional worlds. It allows us to enjoy the sounds of speech, nature, and music. Unfortunately, people all too often fail to appreciate this precious sense. They rarely feel motivated to protect and preserve their hearing. They take it for granted until it fades away and they experience the…

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Don’t Let Hearing Loss Increase Holiday Stress

By Monique Hammond / December 9, 2023 / Comments Off on Don’t Let Hearing Loss Increase Holiday Stress

Why might hearing loss support groups feature mental health speakers around the end-of-the-year Holiday Season? It is expected that such specialists will help strengthen the resolve and self-confidence of their members so that they can “survive” the stress of the Holidays. Hearing loss increases Holiday stress because it is a tiring, chronic communication issue. The…

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Smartphone Sound Level Meter Apps Help Protect Hearing

By Monique Hammond / November 29, 2023 / Comments Off on Smartphone Sound Level Meter Apps Help Protect Hearing

Ever since I got a sound level meter app for my Android phone, I am a lot more confident with decisions regarding sound exposures for my already damaged ears. A click of the button lets me know at once whether I am headed into an overly loud, ear-unfriendly place. And I want to avoid more…

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Subjective Tinnitus

The Phantom Sounds of Subjective Tinnitus

By Monique Hammond / October 19, 2021 / Comments Off on The Phantom Sounds of Subjective Tinnitus

Subjective Tinnitus, the infamous “ringing in the ears” derives its name from the Latin verb tinnire, which means “to ring.” It is said to be a symptom of an underlying process rather than a condition in itself. Usually simply referred to as “Tinnitus,” it is defined as the perception of sound in the absence of an outside noise…

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music notes

Six Tips for Better Hearing in the New Year.

By Monique Hammond / January 3, 2020 / Comments Off on Six Tips for Better Hearing in the New Year.

In the interest of quality of life, keep communication and learning alive. Don’t let the music die. How can all of that be done? Prevent hearing loss and preserve existing hearing.!.  1) Get out of denial Hearing no longer what it used to be? Let this be the year to get out of denial. Find out…

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