Hearing Protection Is a Sound Investment
Sharing Key Benefits of Hearing Loss Prevention
Quick News about Hearing and Health Secondary Title
- January 2025: There is always a lot to learn and know about hearing aids: Ready for a 2025 Review on pros, cons, projected prices and more? https://www.hearingtracker.com/best-hearing-aids
- February 2025: Smart glasses for Hearing and Seeing with one device: FDA-cleared Nuance Audio Glasses to become available for OTC (Over-the-Counter) sale. https://www.optometrytimes.com/view/nuance-audio-hearing-aid-glasses-receive-fda-approval-as-a-medical-device
FYI: Available in the UK, the EU and Australia – but so far NOT in the USA - the light, “smart” BalanceBelt is said to offer increased mobility and improved stability to those with chronic vestibular balance problems. https://balancebelt.net/en/
December 2024: Promising advances in Hearing Testing: New ways to detect and diagnose Hidden Hearing Loss, a pesky, mysterious condition that is not detected by existing conventional methods.
December 2024: ClearDrum, a biosynthetic prosthesis, could well transform and improve results for ear drum repair and reconstruction in the future.
- September 2024: FDA clears Apple Airpods Pro2 as OTC hearing aids for mild to moderate hearing loss. https://www.seniorliving.org/hearing-aids/airpods/
- September 2024: From the National Council on Aging: Best online hearing tests. (Review of six tests) https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/hearing-aids/best-online-hearing-tests/
- July 2024: From Neuroscience News: Blood test for Alzheimer's Disease: https://neurosciencenews.com/accurate-alzheimers-blood-test-27486/
- OTC (Over-the-Counter) Hearing Aids offered at Best Buy: (Posted here: July 20, 2024) https://www.hearingtracker.com/hearing-aids/best-buy-otc-hearing-aids
- Fully internal Cochlear Implants (CIs)? Sounds complicated but a fully implanted microphone might make this a reality. (Posted here: July 2024) https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearing-news-watch/2024/umbomic-cochlear-implant/
Tinnitus treatment research from NEUROSOFT Bioelectronics: Soft-electrode Brain stimulation for treating Tinnitus in the future? (Posted on this site: July 2024) Read on: https://hearinghealthmatters.org/thisweek/2023/brain-implant-tinnitus-treatment/
- Promising trial results for https://www.regeneron.com/with Gene therapy for genetic otoferlin-related deafness in children: (Posted here July 2024): https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/regenerons-gene-therapy-triumphs-twice-restoring-hearing-in-children/
- Dogs' hearing is often put at risk and yes, dogs also suffer from hearing loss: (posted on this site: 4/1/2024) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200305132118.htm
- Sensory-friendly venues for shopping, entertainment or even dining with reduced sound/light/stimulation levels. Yes, this exists. Check business websites for times and location. Some examples: Sensory Friendly AMC movies: https://www.amctheatres.com/programs/sensory-friendly-films Sensory-friendly Walmart hours: https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20231108/walmart-adds-early-morning-sensory-friendly-hours-in-stores
- AI Phone app to help diagnose ear infections? (posted on this site: 4/1/2024) https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearing-news-watch/2024/app-ai-ear-infection-diagnosis/
- List of 6 Best OTC Hearing Aids for 2024 by the National Council on Aging: (Posted on this site: 02/2024) https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/hearing-aids/best-otc-hearing-aids/
- Video Gamers Beware of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: (Posted on this site: 02/2024) https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/video-gamers-worldwide-may-be-risking-irreversible-hearing-loss-and-or-tinnitus/
- Feeling the music with SoundShirt: Access to music for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. (Posted: 11/23) https://www.lyricopera.org/shows/your-visit/accessibility/soundshirt/
- How plaques associated with Alzheimer's Disease might affect hearing: ( Posted: 11/23) https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearing-news-watch/2023/hearing-loss-alzheimers-plaque/
- Best online hearing tests? Are some better than others? Maybe it is just wax? Some details by the National Council on Aging. (Posted 11/23) https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/hearing-aids/best-online-hearing-tests/
- According to an Apple Watch Hearing study, 1 in 3 Americans are exposed to excessive sound levels, endangering their hearing. (Posted on this site: 7/7/2023)
- Manchester (UK)-based Genedrive Company has developed a new, easy, and fast genetic test to prevent aminoglycoside hearing loss in newborns treated for sepsis. Ototoxicity to these antibiotics is linked in many cases to a genetic variant. At a time when decisions must be made fast, the Genedrive System takes minutes while current tests can take days. (Posted on this site: 7/7/2023) https://www.medicaldevice-network.com/news/genedrive-genetic-test-prevent-deafness-babies/
- What are XanderGlasses? These glasses display captions for those with hearing loss. They seem to fit over prescription glasses and the company mentions an “optional prescription-lens insert.” Prototypes are available. The company website has a waiting list where interested parties can sign-up. (Posted on this site: 7/7/2023) https://www.xander.tech/xanderglasses
- Ear-EEG Technology: Danish researchers are working on an ear device that could study sleep patterns and detect signs of brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases up to 15 years earlier. (Posted on this site: 5/2/2023)
- Are researchers zeroing in on ways to regenerate dead/damaged inner-ear hearing cells? This could be a big step towards an eventual cure for hearing loss. For those who are into science, check this out: (Posted on this site: 5/2/2023)
- Lenire is a new FDA-approved Tinnitus treatment system with custom sound, or acoustic stimulation paired with nerve stimulation by means of a “tongue-tip.” Where is this offered? What is the cost? Check with your audiology clinic. (Posted on this site: 5/2/2023)
- The Neosensory Duo is a Tinnitus treatment program that combines wristband-generated vibrations with sounds played via smartphone app. Learn more about this option: (Posted on this site: 5/2/2023).
- Frequency Therapeutics discontinues hearing loss research treatment program & drug after disappointing trial results. (Posted on this page: 3/3/2023)
- For those interested in OTC hearing aid reviews, there are many online review postings to choose from. Here are just 2 that you might try before buying: (Posted on this site: 3/3/2023)
National Council on Aging (NCOA): The 7 Best OTC Hearing Aids of 2023: https://www.ncoa.org/adviser/hearing-aids/best-otc-hearing-aids/
Hearing Tracker: Best OTC hearing aids for 2023. (Rather lengthy review with lots of information, both technical and practical) https://www.hearingtracker.com/over-the-counter-hearing-aids
- What is it like to listen through a Hearing Loop? Before-and-After demonstration by Contacta Inc. (Posted on this site: 3/3/2023) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze2IE5fi44s
If you want to learn more about this technology, contact us at https://www.loopminnesota.org/
- Cochlear Implants (CIs) without external parts? Although still investigational, the first Acclaim® developed by Envoy Medical® was implanted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. (Posted on this site: 12/8/2022) Read more: https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingnewswatch/2022/first-patient-surgery-acclaim-cochlear-implant/
- Hearing aid prices continue to be an issue. AARP and Unitedhealthcare team up on discount prices. (Posted on this site: 12/8/2022 ) Read more: https://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/news/unitedhealthcare-teams-aarp-tackle-hearing-aid-costs
- In November 2022, it was announced that Costco will no longer sell Phonak hearing aids. (Posted on this site: 12/8/2022) https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingnewswatch/2022/costco-stops-selling-phonak-hearing-aids/
- Although testing earplugs is not an exact science, it is worth checking some reviews ,such as this one for Live Music events. (Posted on this site: 12/8/2022) https://www.hearingtracker.com/earplugs
- The FDA has approved a medication meant to help prevent hearing loss due to platinum-based chemotherapy in children aged one month and older whose solid tumors have not spread. This is a seriously encouraging development. Hearing loss caused by these agents could only be treated with hearing aids and cochlear implants. Preventing such loss would certainly be a huge step in the right direction. Read more about it : https://www.curetoday.com/view/fda-approves-pedmark-to-prevent-chemotherapy-induced-hearing-loss-in-children (Posted: 9/23/2022)
- To the disappointment of those suffering from Tinnitus, the biopharmaceutical company OTONOMY has abandoned further efforts at developing and testing OTO-313, which was meant to help treat this all-too-often distressing condition. (Posted: 08/01/2022) https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingnewswatch/2022/phase-2-tinnitus-otonomy-discontinue-oto313/
- Speech-to-Text transcription apps allow those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing follow conversations or presentations in ways that until recently were not possible. A lot of progress has been made in the accuracy of speech recognition. However, challenges such as speech impediments or heavy accents make the speech recognition task a lot more difficult. Google's Relate app was created for the purpose of breaking such communication barriers. Check it out. (Posted 7/18/2022) https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/accessibility/project-relate/
- Businesses and organizations with functioning hearing loops can now edit their Google Maps Accessibility information by including the Assistive Hearing Loop attribute. Let customers with hearing loss know that they too are valued and recognized. (posted 7/2/2022) How to add/edit: https://support.google.com/business/answer/9049526?p=attributes&visit_id=637433207871384047-989832324&rd=1
OTC hearing devices:
- In early 2022, ahead of FDA OTC hearing aid regulations, GN gained authorization for the release of its self-fitting Jabra Enhance™ Plus ear buds. (posted 7/2/2022):
- In May 2021, Bose was the first company to receive FDA clearance for its SoundControl™ OTC hearing aids. Although, still available for sale, the company announced about a year after the launch that it is getting out of the hearing aid business. (posted 7/2/2022)
- Noise cancellation headphones for kids. You might check the updated February 2022 list from Headphonesty who state on their website “ Our fair and balanced reviews will help you make better-informed purchase decisions.”
- One of the most frequently asked questions is where and how to get better prices on hearing aids. The AARP has a listing of ideas. Check out this link:
• Frustrated by Tinnitus and the seemingly lack of research? Actually, a lot is going on both nationally and internationally. Check out the American Tinnitus Association
and the British Tinnitus Association for news and support.
• Can COVID affect hearing and balance?
• New technology for “seeing” into the middle ear? PhotoniCare announces easier and more accurate diagnosing of middle ear infections.
NOTE: News item posts on this page are for information only. They are NOT endorsements of products, hearing clinics, sites, manufacturers or opinions. Interested in the topic? Learn more! Google it! Ask your doctor and/or hearing specialist.
Information About Hearing Loss

Monique Hammond, registered pharmacist, public speaker, hearing loss consultant, and author provides information and discusses issues to help those with hearing loss. The blog is located on the "Blog-Hearing Loss" page on this site.
Improve safety and prevent hearing damage at your organization for your employees.
A loud noise exposure contributed to my hearing loss, which eventually cost me my job. I speak from personal experience. People are introduced to how we hear and where, how, and why loud sound damages hearing—both on and off the job. In the interest of safety for self and for the team, other safety concerns related to excessively loud sound are also discussed. People also learn to appreciate how hearing loss affects the quality of life in general. There is indeed a lot of motivation to protect ears and hearing.
To inquire about safety meeting presentations for employees or train the trainer Sessions for Safety Professionals, Supervisors, or Safety Committee members, please see pages on this site or email
[email protected].

Monique Hammond is a registered pharmacist. A loud sound exposure at a Church fundraiser contributed to sudden one-sided deafness that eventually ended her hospital pharmacy career. In her book, "What Did You Say?," she shares her story and all of the details on ears and hearing loss that she had to learn the hard way. Her intent is to empower people through education so that they become their own best advocates. The Second Edition – An updated version of the first edition was published in 2016 after the first edition sold out. To purchase a book in softcover or Kindle, see the Book page on this site.