
Can Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Cause Hearing Loss?

By Monique Hammond / July 20, 2024 /

There are different types of dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of them. And so, not all dementia or cognitive decline is Alzheimer’s. However, Alzheimer’s Disease is said to be the most common cause of dementia in older adults. Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that develops slowly over time. As it progresses, widespread toxic changes attack…

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Why Medicare Does Not Cover Hearing Aids

By Monique Hammond / May 8, 2024 / Comments Off on Why Medicare Does Not Cover Hearing Aids

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age and older. Younger people with certain disabilities and those with end-stage kidney disease also qualify. Medicare falls under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Although it has undergone some changes since it was signed into action in 1965, the Original Medicare…

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Tinnitus Awareness Week

By Monique Hammond / February 5, 2024 / Comments Off on Tinnitus Awareness Week

In 2024, Tinnitus Awareness Week is observed from February 5 to February 11. This is an important week to become actively involved in spreading the news about this condition. The truth is that nobody likes Tinnitus and everyone of us wishes for it to “just go away.”    The story of Tinnitus is both lengthy…

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Hearing Loss Denial Delays Getting Help

By Monique Hammond / September 19, 2023 / Comments Off on Hearing Loss Denial Delays Getting Help

Many people with hearing loss deny their communication struggles for an average of seven years. They reject the truth and refuse to accept what is often obvious to those round them. Sadly, hearing loss denial delays getting help. It stands in the way of dealing with reality and moving on with life. One could say…

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Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) Impacts Quality of Life and Safety

By Monique Hammond / August 22, 2023 / Comments Off on Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) Impacts Quality of Life and Safety

Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) is also called Single-Sided Hearing Loss, which means that only one ear has some degree of loss. When the loss becomes profound, it is referred to as Single-sided Deafness (SSD). Roughly 7% of adults in the United States have some degree of UHL. We hear our best when the brain gets…

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Auditory Processing Disorder Affects Learning and Communication

By Monique Hammond / July 5, 2023 / Comments Off on Auditory Processing Disorder Affects Learning and Communication

Auditory processing Disorder (APD) affects learning and communication at any age. It is NOT caused by hearing loss. Although many APD-related symptoms appear to be similar to those caused by hearing loss, they happen for different reasons. One might say that APD mimics hearing loss.  APD is due to sound processing problems of the brain…

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closeup shot of a baby sleeping

Baby Sound Sleep Machines

By Monique Hammond / March 17, 2020 / Comments Off on Baby Sound Sleep Machines

Sleepless nights due to a screaming child are the bane of young parents. So, it was not surprising that the first item on the Must-have list for a family member’s baby shower was a “Baby Sleep Sound Machine.”  Generally, these products advertise continuous calming, soothing “white noise” that is meant to help children fall sleep…

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Thanksgiving and Hearing Loss Banner

Thanksgiving and Hearing Loss

By Monique Hammond / November 21, 2019 / Comments Off on Thanksgiving and Hearing Loss

A lot to be grateful for Although Thanksgiving comes but once a year, every day should be a day of Thanks. However, for those with hearing loss, Holidays can be tremendously challenging.  Many state that they actually dread the socially-intense events: Too much noise, too much confusion and overwhelming listening fatigue while struggling to follow conversations. But…

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people exercising in a room together

Industrial-strength Sound Where Least Expected

By Monique Hammond / November 11, 2019 / Comments Off on Industrial-strength Sound Where Least Expected

Hearing Threats at the Gym  What? 93, 95 decibels (dBs) with spikes of 100 dBs and higher as the instructor yelled almost non-stop into the microphone.   During an industry training session, a gentleman shared that he confirmed his suspicions that his gym class was overly loud by taking some readings with a calibrated sound…

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Closeup shot of a guitar held by a person

To Protect or Not to Protect Hearing

By Monique Hammond / October 20, 2019 / Comments Off on To Protect or Not to Protect Hearing

A matter of choice? Worldwide, the two leading causes for hearing loss are Aging and Excessively Loud Sound, in that order.  While noise-induced hearing loss is preventable, people cannot help the fact that they are aging. Yet, by using hearing loss prevention strategies that apply to everybody – no matter what the age – they…

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