Articles – Hearing Loss by Monique Hammond

Parents Beware: Noisy Toys Can Damage Children’s Hearing

October 14, 2022

Toy safety is not all about swallowing, choking or inhaling dangers. It is also about over-the-top sound levels that can damage children’s hearing. Yet, good hearing is important for learning and for developing speech, language and social skills. Even a…

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OTC Hearing Aids Are Coming!

August 25, 2022

On August 16, 2022 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its Final Rule for the sale of Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aids. Affordable hearing help has been an issue for some time and many feel that FDA-regulated OTC hearing…

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Can Hearing Loss Cause Brain Fog?

July 25, 2022

Note:. No matter what the cause, brain fog episodes should be evaluated by a physician. In the World of Hearing Loss, Brain Fog is one of the topics that few want to talk about. But it does happen and must…

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Navigating Vestibular Symptoms

June 16, 2022

I woke up and knew at once that this would be an inner-ear “off day.” I would need all my self-help tactics for navigating unwelcome vestibular symptoms. My left ear – my problem ear – felt totally stuffed up. The…

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Better Hearing and Speech Improve Communication

May 12, 2022

Every year the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) dedicates the month of May to raising public awareness about communication disorders related to hearing and speech. This year’s theme  – “Connecting People” –recognizes once more that hearing and speech are essential components…

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Resistance to Hearing Aid Use

April 14, 2022

Why do so many people who need hearing help resist the use of hearing aids? Fast-paced technology advances certainly offer chances for so much better hearing. Yet, marketing surveys and research studies continue to explore possible reasons for customer resistance…

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Preventive Hearing Care is a Life-long Commitment

March 25, 2022

 Save natural hearing Hearing is the sense that is all too often taken for granted – until it goes away. Even as the notion of “prevention” is all the rage in health care, preventive hearing care to save natural hearing…

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Making the Most of DIY Hearing Care

March 2, 2022

Over-simplifying hearing loss?  The son who had accompanied his mother to a hearing loss meeting shared confidentially that he liked his music loud and that he did not worry about hearing damage. He felt that he heard enough and that…

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Coronavirus and tele health

Coronavirus and Tele-health

March 2, 2022

Most people prefer hands-on health care by seeking medical opinions from “live” professionals– at the doctor’s office, the Urgent Care Clinic, the Emergency Room or wherever medical help is offered. Then times change courtesy of an encapsulated smidgen of RNA…

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Nano Technology for Drug Delivery to the Ears

January 13, 2022

Research into tiny particles with big potential Nano research works with extremely teensy and invisible particles whose diameters are measured in nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. For comparison, a half-inch (1.27centimeters) is roughly one hundredth of a meter Because of…

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