Articles – Hearing Loss by Monique Hammond
A recent study by the International Campaign for Better Hearing found that among the respondents from 10 countries, 74% stated that they have been embarrassed by their hearing loss. It’s actually amazing that the figure is not higher. So, what or who…
Continue ReadingConsider the industry Safety slogan: 10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 eyes, 1 nose—Safety counts. What about the ears? Don’t they count? Hello! Although noise-induced Hearing Loss Prevention and Hearing Conservation are part of company Safety Training Programs, they might…
Continue ReadingHow long had this been going on? After Jane’s longtime physician retired, her new doctor warned her that she would have to take prophylactic antibiotics before having dental work done. When she wondered why, she was told that she had…
Continue ReadingOn average, it takes between 7 and 10 years before people act on a known or suspected hearing loss. A lot can happen to the hearing nerves and to the hearing center in the brain during that time. Due to…
Continue ReadingAs parents and grand-parents, we are responsible for helping children avoid the damage that excessively loud sound can do to inner ears and hearing nerves. The earlier we intervene, the better it will be. For kids even a mild…
Continue ReadingA management project I used to have really, really good hearing. Then one day – poof −I went deaf in my left ear in a matter of four hours. Tinnitus set in almost immediately. Although I regained a bit of…
Continue ReadingThis year, make Valentine’s Day count for friends and loved ones with hearing loss. Although their biggest issue is understanding speech in background noise, they delight in being told that they are appreciated – and they really want to hear it. …
Continue ReadingWarnings at the highest level The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that over 1 billion teens and young adults are at serious risk for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Is what has been written and talked about for some time becoming a…
Continue ReadingA Season to be Jolly? Although communication problems are a reality throughout the year, those with hearing loss especially dread the Merry Holiday Season, the marathon socializing time of the year. Having to talk to people at back-to-back loud events…
Continue ReadingYes, those with hearing loss also need rehabilitation – Aural Rehabilitation that is. It begins with people understanding their hearing loss and what it means for their lives. It is about learning how to prevent further loss and how hearing technology…
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