hearing loss
Phase 3 drug trial – a cause for optimism? Every time that I read about a new drug going into clinical trials for the treatment of tinnitus or hearing loss, I tend to do a contained, internal Happy Dance. Recently, I read that the FDA has allowed Sound Pharmaceuticals to proceed with a Phase 3 (human) trial…
Read MoreHow come that babies can be born deaf to hearing parents? Congenital hearing loss and Connexin 26 The expression “congenital” means that hearing loss or deafness is present at birth. The reasons of why this happens are often murky. Did something happen during pregnancy? Was the baby exposed to toxic chemicals, drugs or viral…
Read MoreDuring the month of May, people are called upon to raise awareness on many diverse topics. It is also my birth month. But I never ever thought that May would become important to me as “Better Hearing and Speech” Month. Connections through Communication Every year since 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) dedicates the month…
Read MoreYes, hearing loss is often called a “a hidden or a silent disability.” Invisible to outsiders, it causes all sorts of challenges for daily life but when it comes to travel, it can lead to anxiety and panic situations. Hearing loss has certainly put a serious crimp into my own travel experiences. It all starts…
Read MoreFast, noticeable losses For me, a sudden left-sided deafness became a scary and life-altering event. The longer name for this condition is Sudden SensoriNeural Hearing Loss (SSNHL). “Sensori” refers to damage to the inner-ear cochlear hearing cells and “neural” refers to damage to the hearing nerve. Although both ears may be involved, in most cases…
Read MoreBone-anchored hearing system (picture: en.wikipedia.org) There are three main types of hearing loss: Sensorineural hearing loss – the most wide-spread; conductive hearing loss – often underrated and neglected; mixed hearing loss – a combination of sensorineural and conductive. Do you know your type? Conductive hearing loss due to obstructed sound flow For normal hearing, sound…
Read MoreNo place to hide Yes, hearing loss became truly a family affair during COVID isolation and quarantine. There was no way to hide 24/7 when conversations became labored for those with hearing loss. Family members grew weary in a hurry of having to confront the communication struggles every single day. One lady shared that she…
Read MoreBeen there! Do not delay seeking help Vertigo! The world begins to look like the above picture. Dizziness, spinning or whirling sensations related to inner ear problems tend to happen suddenly. They can range from mild to incapacitating. Hearing changes, hearing loss, ear fullness, tinnitus or buzzing in the ears and stability and balance problems…
Read MoreWorn out by the struggle to hear? The effort of trying to follow a conversation tends to leave people with hearing loss exhausted, anxious and plenty stressed. Yet, the ties between hearing loss and fatigue are all too often under-appreciated by patients and medical specialists alike. One strains to hear, to speech-or lipread and to…
Read MoreLoss is loss Grieving one’s hearing? Don’t the notions of Grief and Loss only apply to losing living creatures, like people and pets? Not exactly. I certainly got a crash course on the issue when a sudden hearing loss totally upended my life and changed it forever. “Loss is loss,” a nurse once told me…
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