hearing loss
Why might hearing loss support groups feature mental health speakers around the end-of-the-year Holiday Season? It is expected that such specialists will help strengthen the resolve and self-confidence of their members so that they can “survive” the stress of the Holidays. Hearing loss increases Holiday stress because it is a tiring, chronic communication issue. The…
Read MoreEver since I got a sound level meter app for my Android phone, I am a lot more confident with decisions regarding sound exposures for my already damaged ears. A click of the button lets me know at once whether I am headed into an overly loud, ear-unfriendly place. And I want to avoid more…
Read MoreTo maintain body equilibrium, the brain coordinates input from the eyes and ears and from sensors located throughout the body in the muscles and bones. While normal hearing supports the brain’s balance function, hearing loss has a destabilizing effect and becomes a safety issue. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, even a mild hearing loss can…
Read MoreMany people with hearing loss deny their communication struggles for an average of seven years. They reject the truth and refuse to accept what is often obvious to those round them. Sadly, hearing loss denial delays getting help. It stands in the way of dealing with reality and moving on with life. One could say…
Read MoreUnilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) is also called Single-Sided Hearing Loss, which means that only one ear has some degree of loss. When the loss becomes profound, it is referred to as Single-sided Deafness (SSD). Roughly 7% of adults in the United States have some degree of UHL. We hear our best when the brain gets…
Read MoreAuditory processing Disorder (APD) affects learning and communication at any age. It is NOT caused by hearing loss. Although many APD-related symptoms appear to be similar to those caused by hearing loss, they happen for different reasons. One might say that APD mimics hearing loss. APD is due to sound processing problems of the brain…
Read MoreNerves and brain areas that are not kept active through stimulation and input fall into disuse. They shrink and die off in a process called atrophy. Hearing and its involvement in cognitive functions is no different. Yet, when researchers at Johns Hopkins first published their findings of a link between hearing loss and dementia, it…
Read MoreNoises perceived in the ears or head are commonly referred to as Tinnitus. Not all tinnitus is the same. There are different types. A professional evaluation can help find the cause of the din and determine the tinnitus type and possible treatment. Over 90% of tinnitus cases are tied to hearing loss, but not…
Read MoreSuch a contradiction: Not hearing well and understanding even less, yet being overly sensitive to sound? How can this be? Once more, we are reminded that damaged hearing systems do not behave in a logical fashion. Shortly after my sudden, severe hearing-loss the sounds of everyday life turned into unexpected challenges. What never bothered me…
Read MorePeople often wonder why very complicated conditions like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and sleep apnea figure on the lengthy list of possible hearing loss causes. Although more studies are needed, one theory is that these conditions interfere with oxygen transport to the ears. It is a lot about blood flow. One might say that…
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