hearing loss

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) and Technology for Hearing Loss

By Monique Hammond / June 17, 2024 / Comments Off on Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) and Technology for Hearing Loss

Hearing help is not limited to hearing aids. Many people use an array of assistive listening devices to boost communication and hearing anytime and anywhere. Although required by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) hearing accommodation in public places is at best spotty and not very well publicized. And so, I don’t travel without my…

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Why Medicare Does Not Cover Hearing Aids

By Monique Hammond / May 8, 2024 / Comments Off on Why Medicare Does Not Cover Hearing Aids

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age and older. Younger people with certain disabilities and those with end-stage kidney disease also qualify. Medicare falls under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Although it has undergone some changes since it was signed into action in 1965, the Original Medicare…

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Air Travel with Hearing Loss

By Monique Hammond / April 8, 2024 / Comments Off on Air Travel with Hearing Loss

For those with hearing loss any travel is stressful.  However, air travel presents many extra challenges. Nowadays, major airports are huge, confusing places with plenty of noise, echoes, and scattering sound. In such environments even a mild hearing loss can have disabling and anxiety-raising effects. Typically, hard-of-hearing people struggle to understand speech in background noise.…

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Five Strategies to Protect and Preserve Hearing

By Monique Hammond / January 22, 2024 / Comments Off on Five Strategies to Protect and Preserve Hearing

Hearing connects us to our social and professional worlds. It allows us to enjoy the sounds of speech, nature, and music. Unfortunately, people all too often fail to appreciate this precious sense. They rarely feel motivated to protect and preserve their hearing. They take it for granted until it fades away and they experience the…

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Don’t Let Hearing Loss Increase Holiday Stress

By Monique Hammond / December 9, 2023 / Comments Off on Don’t Let Hearing Loss Increase Holiday Stress

Why might hearing loss support groups feature mental health speakers around the end-of-the-year Holiday Season? It is expected that such specialists will help strengthen the resolve and self-confidence of their members so that they can “survive” the stress of the Holidays. Hearing loss increases Holiday stress because it is a tiring, chronic communication issue. The…

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Smartphone Sound Level Meter Apps Help Protect Hearing

By Monique Hammond / November 29, 2023 / Comments Off on Smartphone Sound Level Meter Apps Help Protect Hearing

Ever since I got a sound level meter app for my Android phone, I am a lot more confident with decisions regarding sound exposures for my already damaged ears. A click of the button lets me know at once whether I am headed into an overly loud, ear-unfriendly place. And I want to avoid more…

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Hearing Loss Increases Fall Risks

By Monique Hammond / October 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Hearing Loss Increases Fall Risks

To maintain body equilibrium, the brain coordinates input from the eyes and ears and from sensors located throughout the body in the muscles and bones. While normal hearing supports the brain’s balance function, hearing loss has a destabilizing effect and becomes a safety issue.  According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, even a mild hearing loss can…

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Hearing Loss Denial Delays Getting Help

By Monique Hammond / September 19, 2023 / Comments Off on Hearing Loss Denial Delays Getting Help

Many people with hearing loss deny their communication struggles for an average of seven years. They reject the truth and refuse to accept what is often obvious to those round them. Sadly, hearing loss denial delays getting help. It stands in the way of dealing with reality and moving on with life. One could say…

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Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) Impacts Quality of Life and Safety

By Monique Hammond / August 22, 2023 / Comments Off on Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) Impacts Quality of Life and Safety

Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL) is also called Single-Sided Hearing Loss, which means that only one ear has some degree of loss. When the loss becomes profound, it is referred to as Single-sided Deafness (SSD). Roughly 7% of adults in the United States have some degree of UHL. We hear our best when the brain gets…

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Auditory Processing Disorder Affects Learning and Communication

By Monique Hammond / July 5, 2023 / Comments Off on Auditory Processing Disorder Affects Learning and Communication

Auditory processing Disorder (APD) affects learning and communication at any age. It is NOT caused by hearing loss. Although many APD-related symptoms appear to be similar to those caused by hearing loss, they happen for different reasons. One might say that APD mimics hearing loss.  APD is due to sound processing problems of the brain…

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