Still Plenty of Consumer Questions Regarding OTC Hearing Aids

Hearing loss is a communication disorder that affects physical and emotional health. It calls for intervention and treatment. However, professional help may be hard to find and hearing aids are often unaffordable for many of those with hearing loss. To provide more accessible and affordable options, FDA-regulated Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aids were released for retail…

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Hope for New Treatment for Ménière’s Disease?

SPI-1005 finished Phase 3 clinical trials with positive results In 2021, I wrote a blog about an investigational new oral drug for treating Ménière’s Disease. Known as SPI-1005, it contains ebselen, a new chemical with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. At the time, participants with a definite history of Ménière’s Disease were recruited for SPI-1005 Phase 3…

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Managing Life with Tinnitus – A Personal Journey

Is there an explanation for it? An underlying diagnosis? Typically, Tinnitus is described as buzzing, ringing, hissing or chirping sounds in the ears. The noises are generated by the brain and perceived in the ears. Tinnitus is considered a symptom of some underlying condition, and not a disease in itself. Although the noises may sound…

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Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) – When the Brain Doesn’t Hear Well!

Those with APD have communication issues. They mishear. They have trouble understanding speech-in-noise and following conversations. Words may be jumbled, missed or go unrecognized. Sound-alike words are easily confused. In children, APD leads to slow speech development and learning problems. This may sound like typical hearing loss, but it is quite different. Auditory Processing Disorder…

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Can Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Cause Hearing Loss?

There are different types of dementia and Alzheimer’s is one of them. And so, not all dementia or cognitive decline is Alzheimer’s. However, Alzheimer’s Disease is said to be the most common cause of dementia in older adults. Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that develops slowly over time. As it progresses, widespread toxic changes attack…

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Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) and Technology for Hearing Loss

Hearing help is not limited to hearing aids. Many people use an array of assistive listening devices to boost communication and hearing anytime and anywhere. Although required by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) hearing accommodation in public places is at best spotty and not very well publicized. And so, I don’t travel without my…

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Why Medicare Does Not Cover Hearing Aids

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age and older. Younger people with certain disabilities and those with end-stage kidney disease also qualify. Medicare falls under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Although it has undergone some changes since it was signed into action in 1965, the Original Medicare…

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Air Travel with Hearing Loss

For those with hearing loss any travel is stressful.  However, air travel presents many extra challenges. Nowadays, major airports are huge, confusing places with plenty of noise, echoes, and scattering sound. In such environments even a mild hearing loss can have disabling and anxiety-raising effects. Typically, hard-of-hearing people struggle to understand speech in background noise.…

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