Preventive Hearing Care is a Life-long Commitment

 Save natural hearing Hearing is the sense that is all too often taken for granted – until it goes away. Even as the notion of “prevention” is all the rage in health care, preventive hearing care to save natural hearing is not a major concern.   Only when the effects of damage and neglect become…

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Making the Most of DIY Hearing Care


Over-simplifying hearing loss?  The son who had accompanied his mother to a hearing loss meeting shared confidentially that he liked his music loud and that he did not worry about hearing damage. He felt that he heard enough and that nowadays hearing loss is easy. “With all of that technology out there, you fix it…

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Coronavirus and Tele-health

Coronavirus and tele health

Most people prefer hands-on health care by seeking medical opinions from “live” professionals– at the doctor’s office, the Urgent Care Clinic, the Emergency Room or wherever medical help is offered. Then times change courtesy of an encapsulated smidgen of RNA known as COVID-19, the dreaded, potentially aggressive member of the Coronavirus family. Sorting out symptoms…

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